============================================== Description of the Ti\ *k*\ Z Sphinx Extension ============================================== This extension to `Sphinx `__ enables the use of the PGF/Ti\ *k*\ Z LaTeX package to draw nice pictures. (See `CTAN `__ or `sourceforge `__; the manual is, e.g., `here `__. Also have a look at contributions such as `pgfplots `__.) Use the extension at your own risk. Anything might change in future versions without further notice. ---- :Version: 0.4.2 :Author: Christoph Reller ``christoph.reller@gmail.com`` :License: `BSD License `__ :Download: `tikz.py `__ :Git Repository: https://bitbucket.org/philexander/tikz :PyPI Package: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-tikz Prerequisites and Configuration =============================== Prerequisites ------------- This extension relies on two software packages being installed on your computer: A. LaTeX with the ``tikz`` package. B. A software package that is able to convert a PDF to an image. Currently, this extension supports four different ways of doing this conversion. We call them conversion "suites" and list for each suite what must be installed on your computer: (Only one such suite need be installed.) The Netpbm suite ``pdftoppm`` (part of the Poppler pdf library) and ``convert`` (part of the ImageMagick package) The pdf2svg suite ``pdf2svg`` The GhostScript suite ``ghostscript`` The ImageMagick suite ``pdftoppm`` (part of the Poppler pdf library) and ``pnmtopng`` (part of the Netpbm package) For **Ubuntu Linux** you roughly have to make sure that the following packages are installed: A. ``texlive`` and ``texlive-pictures`` (and maybe more LaTeX packages) B. Depending on the chosen conversion suite the following package(s) have to be installed: * Netpbm suite: ``poppler-utils`` and ``netpbm`` * pdf2svg suite: ``pdf2svg`` * GhostScript suite: ``ghostscript`` * ImageMagick suite: ``poppler-utils`` and ``imagemagick`` For **Mac OS X** a possible way of getting this extension working is to install the `MacTeX `__ LaTeX distribution which per default comes with the ``tikz`` package. To install one of the conversion suites you can install `homebrew `__ and then use homebrew to install the package(s) listed under B. as above for Ubuntu Linux. For **Windows** do the following: A. Install the `MiKTeX `__ LaTeX distribution and include the ``tikz`` package when installing. B. Depending on the chosen conversion suite, you have to install the following: * Netpbm suite: - `Xpdf package `__ - `NetPbm for Windows package `__ If you don't want to install the full packages above, you can copy the following files to some directory and add this directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable: From Xpdf: * ``pdftoppm`` From NetPbm: * ``pnmtopng.exe`` * ``libnetpbm10.dll`` * ``libpng13.dll`` * ``rgb.txt`` Also, you need to create a new environment variable ``RGBDEF=C:\\TikzSphinx\\rgb.txt`` assuming you copy the files to the ``C:\\TikzSphinx`` directory. * pdf2svg suite: Get the Windows binaries from `GitHub `__ copy all the files to some directory and add this directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable. * GhostScript suite: Get the GhostScript binary from `here `__, rename the binary to ``ghostscript.exe``, copy it to some directory and add this directory to the ``PATH`` environment variable. Instead of renaming the binary you can also use ``mklink`` in a administrator command shell to make a link named ``ghostscript.exe`` to the original binary. * ImageMagick suite: Install Xpdf (as described for the Netpbm suite) and install ImageMagick from `here `__. .. highlight:: python .. _configuration: Configuration ------------- If you have installed the Ti\ *k*\ z Sphinx extension e.g. using `PyPI `__, then you have to load the extension in the Sphinx project configuration file ``conf.py`` by:: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.tikz'] Additionally, the following configuration values are supported for the ``html`` build target: * Choose the image processing ``‹suite›``, either ``'Netpbm'``, ``'pdf2svg'``, ``'GhostScript'``, ``'ImageMagick'`` (``'Netpbm'`` by default):: tikz_proc_suite = ‹suite› .. note:: * If you want your documentation to be built on http://readthedocs.org, you have to choose ``GhostScript``. * All suites produce png images, excepted ``'pdf2svg'`` which produces svg. * Enable/disable transparent graphics (enabled by default):: tikz_transparent = ‹True or False› * Add ``‹string›`` to the LaTeX preamble used for building the Ti\ *k*\ Z picture:: tikz_latex_preamble = ‹string› * Add ``\usetikzlibrary{‹string›}`` to the LaTeX preamble used for building the Ti\ *k*\ Z picture:: tikz_tikzlibraries = ‹string› .. note:: The above configuration values only apply to the ``html`` build target. If you want to use the ``latex`` target, then you have to take care to include in the preamble for the ``latex`` target: * The ``tikz_latex_preamble`` * The ``tikz_libraries`` * Any ``‹tikz libraries›`` given to the ``libs`` option of the ``tikz`` directive (see :ref:`usage`) I recommend to do this as follows:: latex_elements = { # ‹...› 'preamble': '''\usepackage{tikz}''' + tikz_latex_preamble + ''' \usetikzlibrary{''' + tikz_tikzlibraries + "‹tikz libraries›" + '''}''', # ‹...› } .. note:: If you want to make use of the Ti\ *k*\ Z externalization library for the LaTeX build output, then you may want to change the line:: LATEXOPTS = in ``/usr/share/sphinx/texinputs/Makefile`` to:: LATEXOPTS = "-shell-escape" .. highlight:: rest .. _usage: Usage ===== The extension adds a ``tikz``-directive and a ``tikz``-role. The usage is very similar to the standard math Sphinx extensions. The **tikz-directive** can be used in two ways:: .. tikz:: ‹tikz code, potentially broken across lines› :libs: ‹tikz libraries› :stringsubst: or:: .. tikz:: ‹caption, potentially broken across lines› :libs: ‹tikz libraries› :stringsubst: ‹tikz code, potentially broken across lines› The ``‹caption›`` is optional, but if present it is printed as a picture caption below the picture. The ``:libs:`` option expects its argument ``‹tikz libraries›`` to be a comma separated list of Ti\ *k*\ z libraries to use. If you want to build the LaTeX target then make sure that you add these libraries to the LaTeX preamble in ``conf.py``. The ``:stringsubst:`` option enables the following string substitution in the ``‹tikz code›``: Before processing the ``‹tikz code›`` the string ``$wd`` or ``$(wd)`` is replaced by the project root directory. This is convenient when referring to some source file in the LaTeX code. The ``‹tikz code›`` is code according to the Ti\ *k*\ Z LaTeX package. It behaves as if inside a ``tikzpicture`` environment. Alternatively to providing the ``‹tikz code›``, the ``:include:`` option can be used to import the code from a file:: .. tikz::‹caption, potentially broken across lines› :libs: ‹tikz libraries› :include: ‹filename› :stringsubst: The **tikz-role** is used as follows:: :tikz:`‹tikz code›` The ``‹tikz code›`` is code according to the Ti\ *k*\ z LaTeX package. It behaves as if inside a ``\tikz`` macro. Examples ======== .. note:: These examples only render in a Sphinx project with a proper configuration of the Ti\ *k*\ z Sphinx extension. :: .. tikz:: [>=latex',dotted,thick] \draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- (2,0); :libs: arrows .. tikz:: [>=latex',dotted,thick] \draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- (2,0); :libs: arrows :: .. tikz:: An Example Directive with Caption \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0); .. tikz:: An Example Directive with Caption \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0); :: An example role :tikz:`[thick] \node[blue,draw] (a) {A}; \node[draw,dotted,right of=a] {B} edge[<-] (a);` An example role :tikz:`[blue,thick] \node[draw] (a) {A}; \node[draw,dotted,right of=a] {B} edge[<-] (a);` Example of a plot imported from a file: .. tikz:: :include: example.tikz Caveats ======= If you use the ``tikz`` directive inside of a table or a sidebar and you specify a caption then the LaTeX target built by the sphinx builder will not compile. This is because, as soon as you specify a caption, the ``tikzpicture`` environment is set inside a ``figure`` environment and hence it is a float and cannot live inside a table or another float. If you enable ``:stringsubst:`` and you happen to have a math expression starting with ``wd`` (i.e., you would like to write ``$wd ...`` then you must insert some white space, e.g., ``$w d ...`` to prevent string substitution.